[WINE]. [Cambio de Víñas en Morales.]

Zamora (Spain), Manuscript on paper, 1455


4to. 8 unnumbered ll., second blank. First fol. in C17 cursive, 21 lines per full page, fols 3-7 in C15 escritura cortesana, c.28 lines per full page, pen flourishings in brown at margins and end, with notarial signatures. First three ll. slightly foxed, small tear at outer edge along nearly invisible centre fold, within a small marginal water stain, stitched. C17 ‘1455’, ‘Hueco y Cambeo mai Pos[nes]’ and ‘Hueco de unas viñas’, and C15 docket to verso of last blank.

Remarkably well-preserved, ephemeral deed granting the use of a vineyard in Morales, near Zamora. This area, with the province of Salamanca, in north-western Spain, was part of the Tierra del Vino—later a controlled designation of origin. The document includes a ‘carta de troque, cambio y permutación’ (for exchange and permutation) and a ‘carta de juramento’ (oath), both in the name of Bachiller Alvar Rodrigues of Sant Ysidro, son of Dr Juan Rodrigues of Sant Ysidro, resident in Zamora—a member of the Council of King Ferdinand and magistrate at the Real Chancillería in Valladolid (Dominguez, ‘Nobleza’, 485). A ‘carta de troque’ stated the reciprocal transfer of items of the same kind between two parties—here between Rodrigues, and Alfonso Estevan and his wife Cathalina Fernandes of nearby Morales—in this case, also a ‘permutación’, without the need for money exchange (‘Discursos juridicos’, 45-8). Rodrigues gave a vineyard he owned within the boundaries of Morales and Almantaya, between the vineyards of Juan de Morales and Juan Estevan, in exchange for two, the borders of which were the vineyards of the Bachiller himself, that formerly of Diego de Zamora, and another. The rest explains, for both sides, the conditions of the exchange, including specified fines for non-compliance equalling the value of the vineyards, the degree of ownership and their responsibility concerning the management of the vineyard, e.g., tax payment to the king, prince and lords. The ‘carta de juramento’ reinforced the first document with an official oath.

E. Fernández Prieto Dominguez, Nobleza de Zamora (1953); J.M. Dominguez Vicente, Discursos juridicos (Madrid, 1731).
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