DIONYSIUS Periegetes


Ferrara, Ioannes Maciochus, 1512


EDITIO PRINCEPS, 4to., 52 unnumbered ll. A-E8F,G6. First half Greek letter, rest Roman, quite undecorated. Slight age yellowing, the Greek text with marginal annotations in a 16th C Greek hand. Very slight marginal soiling to last couple of ll, a good, clean, well margined copy in 19th C tan morocco, joints a bit rubbed.

First edition of the original Greek text of Dionysius, first edition of the Latin translation of Remmius Palaemon and first edition of the commentary and additions of Celio Calcignini: the whole was edited by the printer, together with Ludovicus Bonaciolus. Dionysius, fl. probably in Alexandria in the first century B.C., produced this elegant and terse description of the habitable world in Greek hexameters. It was probably intended as a school geography, and certainly was used as such in the ancient world; it achieved great popularity as one of the earliest descriptions of far away places, both in antiquity and again, in translation, in the first decades of printing.

BM. STC. It. p. 217. Adams D 643. JFB D 206. \"Première édition rare\": Brunet II 729. NUC records copies only at Lib. of Congress, Princeton, Newberry and Univ. of Minnesota.
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