CLEMENT IX. Decretum Sacrae Congregationis…ad Indicem Librorum.

Rome, Ex Typographia Reverendae Camerae Apostolicae, 1669


Broadside, 440 x 330mm. Woodcut figures of Sts Peter and Paul, and arms of Clement IX, at head. Untrimmed, two tears to upper right-hand edge, early ms ‘64’ to verso. An excellent copy.  

Apparently unrecorded edict prohibiting books issued by Clement IX and published by the Apostolic Chamber. The edict adds new works recently declared prohibited, ‘no matter where they were printed, and in which language’. The warning and punishment can and will affect anyone who may ‘print, read or possess’ them. The books listed are: Matthaeus Parisiensis’ ‘Abregé del Ancienne & Celeste doctrine de Saint Augustin’; Sebastiano Bartoli’s anti-Galenic ‘Artis Medicae Dogmatum’ (1667), referring to the prohibition of his ‘Systemata’ in 1666; Ferrante Pallavicino’s ‘Baccinata, overo Battarella per le Api Barbarine’; Girolamo Brusoni’s play ‘Carrozzino alla moda’; ‘Dialogo molto curioso […] tra due Soldati volontari…’; Francis Bacon’s ‘De Augmentis Scientiarum’ (before being expurgated); Baronius’ ‘Apodixis Catholica’; Stockmann’s ‘Hodegeticum Pestilentiale’ (1667); Ricciolo’s ‘Immunitas ab Errore’ (1668), against procedures for the canonization of saints; Forerio’s ‘Iubar Celestis’; ‘Mercurio Postiglione’ (an Elzevir of 1667); de Franchi’s ‘Parenesi’; Leti’s ‘Puttanismo Romano’ (1668), on the ‘whoredom’ of the Catholic Church; Ugolini’s ‘Religiosa difesa’, in defence of St Francis’ stigmata; ‘Romae Ruina Finalis’, addressed to the English; ‘La Rome ridicule’; Ferrante Pallavicino’s ‘Retorica delle puttane’, also translated into English in 1683; Settimo’s ‘Sindicato’; and ‘Traicté des Anciennes Ceremonies’. A most interesting document, illustrating the scope and extent of the Index’s prohibitions, political, theological, scientific, and moral as well as the efforts made regularly to keep it up to date. 


Not in USTC or OPAC Sbn.
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