Education & Learning
These books about books, the remains of vast libraries past, contain bibliographies and catalogues of collections compiled by bibliophiles, historians, doctors, courtiers, soldiers, and even snuff merchants.
Also find here an array of poems and orations, sermons, textbooks, emblem books, dictionaries and grammars, epitomes, and letters. Teachings cover themes from morality to courtly interactions, the alphabet, and the law.
Our large number of commentaries scrutinise the writings of figures such as Homer, Aristotle, Euclid, Pythagoras, Justinian, Sallust, Cato, and Petrarch.
Showing 1–18 of 94 results
[ASKEW, Anthony]
Catalogue des livres de la bibliothèque de M. Pierre-Antoine Bolongaro-Crevenna
Amsterdam, J. Changuion & P. den Hengst, 1789 £1,750.00 More Details -
Coded text and verse by Cambridge students.
Manuscript on paper, [England, c.1526-35]. £4,950.00 More Details -
[DE BOZE, Claude Gros.] (with) MEERMAN, Gerardus
Catalogue des livres du cabinet de M. Boze. (with) Plan du traité des origines typographiques.
Paris, 1753-1762 £2,250.00 More Details -
[DE TUGNY, Crozat.] (with) [ANONYMOUS]
Catalogue des livres de Monsieur le President Crozat de Tugny. (with) Catalogue des livres.
Paris, Claude-Charles Thiboust, 1751 £1,950.00 More Details -
[ELCI, Angiolo Maria, Conte d’.]
Catalogo dei libri dal conte Angiolo Maria d’Elci
Florence, All’insegna di Dante, 1826 £3,950.00 More Details -
[HERTEL, Jacob]
Ta ek ton palaion kai panton sophon komikon… Vetustissimorum sapientissimorum comicorum quinquaginta.
Basel, [Johann Oporinus], [1560] £7,500.00 More Details -
[HOHENDORF, Georg Wilhelm, Freiherr von.]
[KLOSS, Georg, Dr.]
[LA VALLIÈRE, Louis César de la Baume Le Blanc, duc de.]
Catalogue des livres de feu M. le duc de la Vallière.
Paris, Guillaume de Bure fils aîné, 1783 £5,000.00 More Details -
[Silves de la Selva – Gohory, Jacques].
[SMITH, Joseph (Consul).]
[SMITH, Joseph (Consul).]
[SMITH, Joseph (Consul).]
AGRIPPA, Henrich Cornilius
Militiae Equitis Aurati...[I]n Artem Brevem Raymundi Lullii, Commentaria
Solingen, Joannes Soter, 1538 £4,250.00 More Details -
ANDRÉ, Valère
AUSONIUS. [with] SCALIGER, Joseph.
Opera in meliorem ordinem digesta. [with] Ausonianarum lectionum Libri duo.
Lyon, apud Ant. Gryphium, 1575, 1574 £3,500.00 More Details -
The Well springe of Sciences, which teacheth the perfect worke and practise of Arithmeticke, bothe in whole Numbres and Fractions.
London, Printed by Thomas Purfoot, 1617 £4,250.00 More Details
Showing 1–18 of 94 results