
Showing all 15 results

  • [BIBLE].

    [BIBLE]. Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novi testamenti et sacrorum canonum.

    Lyon, Jacques Sacon for Anton Koberger, 1516. £7,500.00 More Details
  • [BIBLE].

    [BIBLE]. Le Nouveau Testament de Nostre Seigneur Jesu Christ

    Lyon, par Jean de Tournes, 1551. £15,000.00 More Details
  • [PSALMS].

    [PSALMS]. Pseaulmes de David, Tant en Latin, qu\'en François

    Lyon, Balthazar Arnoullet, 1554 £7,500.00 More Details
  • AGRICOLA, Johannes.

    AGRICOLA, Johannes Drey hundert Gemeyner Sprichworter. [with] Das Ander teyl gemeyner Deutscher sprichworter.

    [Hagenau, Johann Setzer, 1529]. £5,950.00 More Details
  • CALVIN, Jean

    CALVIN, Jean Commentaires de Jean Calvin sur la concordance ou Harmonie, compose des trois Evangelistes […]

    Geneva, Michel Blanchier, 1563. £4,950.00 More Details
  • CALVIN, Jean; BEZA, Theodore de, ed.

    CALVIN, Jean; BEZA, Theodore de, ed. Epistolae et responsa.

    Geneva, apud Petrum Santandreanum, 1575. £1,950.00 More Details
  • CALVIN, Jean.

    CALVIN, Jean. Institutio Christianae religionis.

    Geneva, F. Perrinus, 1568. £4,850.00 More Details
  • FISHER, John St

    FISHER, John St Opera, quae hactenus inueniri potuerunt omnia,

    Würzburg, apud Georgium Fleischmannum, 1597 £2,450.00 More Details
  • HARPSFIELD, Nicholas.

    HARPSFIELD, Nicholas Historia anglicana ecclesiastica

    Douai, M. Wyon, 1622 £1,750.00 More Details
  • LUTHER, Martin.

    LUTHER, Martin. Der vierde teil der bücher des ehrwirdigen Herrn Docto. Mart. Luth.

    Wittenberg, Heirs of Peter Seitz, 1553 £2,750.00 More Details
  • MORE, Thomas.

    MORE, Thomas. Omnia […] Latina Opera. [with] A dyaloge of syr Thomas More knyght.

    Louvain, apud Ioannem Bogardum, 1565. [with], [London, J. Rastell, 1529]. £97,500.00 More Details
  • MUZIO, Girolamo

    MUZIO, Girolamo Le mentite ochiniane

    Venezia, Gabriele Giolito De Ferrari e fratelli, 1551 £9,500.00 More Details
  • SKARGAS, Piotr.

    SKARGAS, Piotr. Upominanie do ewanyelikow, y do wszystkich spolem nie Katholikow.

    Kraków, Jan Januszowski, Drukarnia Łazarzowa, 1592. £4,250.00 More Details
  • TOUSSAIN, Daniel.

    TOUSSAIN, Daniel. The exercise of the faithfull soule:

    London, By Henrie Middleton for Henrie Denham, 1583 £7,500.00 More Details
  • YEPES, Diego de

    Historia particular de la persecucion de Inglaterra, y de los martirios mas insignes que en ella ha auido, desde el año del Señor. 1570

    Madrid, por Luis Sanchez, 1599 £3,500.00 More Details

Showing all 15 results