Animals & Agriculture

Showing 1–18 of 25 results


    [ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCES]. Prophéties perpetuelles depuis 1521 jusquà la fin du monde.

    Manuscript, on paper, France, 1680 [but early 1700s] £2,750.00 More Details
  • [CATO, Marcus Porcius]

    [CATO, Marcus Porcius] Libri de re rustica. M. Catonis Lib. I. M. Terentii Varronis Lib. III. L. Iunii Moderati Columellae Lib. XII. Eiusdem de arboribus. Palladii Lib. XIII.

    Venice, Aldo Manuzio & Andrea Torresano, 1514 £4,250.00 More Details
  • ALAMANNI, Luigi.

    ALAMANNI, Luigi. La Coltivazione

    Florence, Bernardo Giunti, 1549 £3,500.00 More Details

    ALBERTUS MAGNUS. De animalibus libri vigintisex novissime impressi.

    Venice, heirs of Octavianus Scotus, 1519 £6,500.00 More Details
  • ALDROVANDI, Ulisse

    ALDROVANDI, Ulisse [Complete Works]

    Bologna, Nicola Tebaldino & Clemente e Giovanni Battista Ferroni per Marco Antonio Bernia, 1640-1652, 1668 £225,000.00 More Details
  • CATO, Marcus Porcius, VARRO, Marcus Terentius, COLUMELLA, Junius Moderatus, PALLADIUS, Rutilius Taurus

    CATO, Marcus Porcius, VARRO, Marcus Terentius, COLUMELLA, Junius Moderatus, PALLADIUS, Rutilius Taurus De re rustica

    Reggio Emilia, Bartholomaeus de Bruschis, Bottonus, 5 June 1482 £15,000.00 More Details
  • CATO, Marcus Porcius, VARRO, Marcus Terentius, COLUMELLA, Lucius Moderatus, PALLADIUS, Rutilius Taurus

    CATO, Marcus Porcius, VARRO, Marcus Terentius, COLUMELLA, Lucius Moderatus, PALLADIUS, Rutilius Taurus Libri de re rustica [Scriptores rei rusticae]

    Venice, in aedibus haer. Aldo Manuzio & haer. Andrea Torresano, 1533 £4,250.00 More Details
  • CRESCENZI, Pietro de

    CRESCENZI, Pietro de De agricultura vulgare

    [Venice], [Alessandro Bindoni], [9 July 1519.] £2,250.00 More Details

    DE PLUVINEL, ANTOINE. L’Instruction du Roy en l’exercice de monter à cheval.

    Paris, Ruette, 1629. £9,750.00 More Details
  • DOGLIONI, Giovanni Nicolò

    DOGLIONI, Giovanni Nicolò L’anno dove si ha perfetto, et pieno raguaglio.

    Venice, appresso Giovanni Antonio Rampanzetto, 1587 £2,250.00 More Details

    FITZHERBERT John. The Boke of Husbandry.

    London, in fletestrete in the house of Thomas Berthelet, .. at the sygne of Lucrece, 1548. £16,500.00 More Details
  • HERRERA, Gabriel Alonso de.

    ALONSO DE HERRERA, Gabriel Libro de agricultura

    Pamplona, por Matías Mares a costa de Fernando de Espinal, 1605 £1,850.00 More Details
  • HERRERA, Gabriel Alonso de.

    HERRERA, Gabriel Alonso de. Libro de agricultura.

    Toledo, Juan Ferrer, 1551. £6,750.00 More Details
  • JENNER, Thomas

    JENNER, Thomas Londons blame, if not its shame: manifested by the great neglect of the fishery, which affordeth to our neighbor nation yeerly, the revenue of many millions.

    [London], Printed for T[homas] J[enner], 1651 £1,750.00 More Details
  • LAWSON, William

    LAWSON, William A New Orchard and Garden or The best way for planting, grafting, and to make any ground good, for a rich orchard: … (with) the country housewifes garden … for hearbs and Seedes of common vse

    London, printed by Nicholas Okes for Iohn Harison, at the Golden Vnicorne in Pater-noster-row, 1631 £6,500.00 More Details
  • MARKHAM, Gervase

    MARKHAM, Gervase The inrichment of the vveald of Kent: or, A direction to the husband-man…

    London, Printed by Nicholas Okes for Iohn Harison, at the golden Vnicorne in Pater-noster-row, 1631 £1,250.00 More Details
  • MARKHAM, Gervase

    MARKHAM, Gervase A Way To Get Wealth: Containing sixe Principall Vocations or Callings, in which every good Husband or House-wife may lawfully imploy themselves…

    London, Printed by E[dward] G[riffin] for John Harison, 1638 £4,950.00 More Details
  • MARKHAM, Gervase

    MARKHAM, Gervase Markhams farewell to husbandry: or, the enriching of all sorts of barren and steril grounds in our kingdome,.

    London, Printed by Edvvard Griffin for Iohn Harison, 1638 £1,750.00 More Details

Showing 1–18 of 25 results